To: the Archduke Rudolph
Vienna, late March, 1811

Anderson v1 pg316 - letter #300

Your Imperial Highness!

       For over a fortnight now I have again been afflicted with a headache which is plaguing me.  I have kept on hoping that the pain would subside, bug in vain.  Now that the weather is improving, however, my doctor has promised me an early recovery.  As I regarded every day as the last one of my ailment, I did not send you word about it, partly too because I fancied that, since Your Imperial Highness had not sent for me for so long, you did not require my services – During the festivities in honour of the Princess of Baden and when Your Imperial Highness was hampered by your sore finger I began to work rather hard; and one of the fruits of this diligence is a new pianoforte trio [Opus 97].  Since I was very much taken up with my own affairs I did not think that Your Imperial Highness would be annoyed with me, as I am now almost inclined to believe that you are – Meanwhile I hope soon to be able to appear in person before your tribunal.

                                               Your Imperial Highness’s
                                                      Faithful and most devoted servant
                                                                                         Ludwig van Beethoven